▲ Do you treat walk ins ? ▲
▼ Do you treat walk ins ? ▼
No. I treat by appointment only.
▲ LGBTQ+ ▲
▼ LGBTQ+ ▼
I am a LGBTQ+ safe space massage therapist. Everyone deserves equal treatment. I will not tolerate any discrimination.
▲ Can I text your number? ▲
▼ Can I text your number? ▼
You can text me for massage reasons only. And if I reach out to you via text, I will do so for massage only.
Let's keep this professional.
Types of Massage Offered
▲ Do you do pregnancy massage? ▲
▼ Do you do pregnancy massage? ▼
Yes I do.
Prenatal massage therapy can help:
-Reduce anxiety
-Decrease symptoms of depression
-Relieve muscle aches and joint pains
-Improve labour outcomes and newborn health
Safe for nursing and pregnancy at all stages
- 1st Trimester
-2nd Trimester
-3rd Trimester
When requesting a massage, simply request a pregnancy massage while booking so I can have the table and room prepped properly for your massage.
If it is your 1st trimester, I won't do any abdominal massage.
If it's your 2nd or 3rd trimester, the massage will be on your side.
You can see an example of the draping further down this page in the section about draping.
Depending on your pregnancy and condition, I may be able to do about 10 minutes on your back.
▲ Do you do breast massage? ▲
▼ Do you do breast massage? ▼
Yes I do.
If you wish to have breast massage you simple have to bring it up during the intake before the massage.
There is many different reasons to get breast massage that includes but isn't limited to tension in the chest area, tightness and pulling from larger breasts, swelling, soreness, overall feeling for relaxation, and more.
You can also see further down on this page in the section about draping that shows the different types of draping there is for breast massage.
▲ Do you massage children? ▲
▼ Do you massage children? ▼
Yes I do.
I regularly massage children.
I will happily treat children (4+ ) and teenagers.
Parents are more than welcome to stay in the room during the massage or come back at the end.
▲ Do you do any other forms of massage like Thai or Shiatsu? ▲
▼ Do you do any other forms of massage like Thai or Shiatsu? ▼
I am also certified in Cupping, FST ( Fascial stretch therapy ), Shiatsu, Birthing Doula, and Postpartum Doula.
I have future plans to get certificates for more techniques.
So please keep in contact by following me on social media and my blog to keep up to date with my latest qualifications.
▲ Do you do FST ( Fascial Stretch Therapy ), and what is it? ▲
▼ Do you do FST ( Fascial Stretch Therapy ), and what is it? ▼
I do FST ( Fascial Stretch Therapy ).
I am certified and can be found on the member directory that shows everyone who is certified.
You can see the listing here.
FST is short for Fascial Stretch Therapy. This technique applies to the stretching of everything in your body. You muscles, fascia, nerves, everything.
It's really great for increasing your mobility and range of motion.
Check out my services page under the tab FST for more information.
Payments / Insurance
▲ Cancellation Policy ▲
▼ Cancellation Policy ▼
My cancellation policy is 24 hours notice.
If you cancel your appointment within less than 24 hours, you will have to pay 50% of the fee for the massage you booked for. Or you can find someone to take your spot and get the massage and pay in your place.
When you book with me, you are booking and paying for my time. Think of it like a concert ticket, if you can't make it to the concert, you eat the cost. Or you get someone else to buy the ticket from you and go in your place.
You can send payment for your cancellation to my email
▲ How much do you charge? ▲
▼ How much do you charge? ▼
You can find a list of all of my services, days available, and rates here.
▲ I have insurance. How does that work? ▲
▼ I have insurance. How does that work? ▼
You will pay for the massage in full and will be issued a invoice / receipt that can be submitted to your insurance provider.
▲ Do you treat motor vehicle accident injuries? ▲
▼ Do you treat motor vehicle accident injuries? ▼
I do not.
You will have to find a RMT or clinic that specifically works with MVA's ( Motor Vehicle Accidents ).
▲ What forms of payment do you accept? ▲
▼ What forms of payment do you accept? ▼
I accept cash.
Please note that I do not carry cash on me for change so please have the exact amount for the total cost of the treatment.
I also make deposits daily so I do not have cash on me or in my house.
I also accept ( and prefer ) e-transfer to my email address:
I can also accept all forms of credit cards and debit.
My booking website also allows you to put your card on file.
Or you can purchase a gift certificate off of my website to pay for the massage with credit card.
Gift Cards
▲ I can't find my gift card / lost gift card. What do I do? ▲
▼ I can't find my gift card / lost gift card. What do I do? ▼
I have a record of all of the gift cards that have been purchased and can find your gift card for you.
Feel free to reach out to me and I can resend you a copy.
Note that after a gift certificate has been redeemed, it will be marked as such.
▲ How much can I put on the gift card? ▲
▼ How much can I put on the gift card? ▼
You can select 1 of 2 options when purchasing a gift card.
1) You can put a desired amount on the card.
2) You can purchase a service ( for example: 60 minute massage ) and pay for the current amount of the service.
▲ Do gift cards expire? ▲
▼ Do gift cards expire? ▼
It is recommended that you use your gift card within a year of purchase.
▲ How do I use my gift card? ▲
▼ How do I use my gift card? ▼
Either have the gift card on your phone or print it off and bring it with you to the massage to be used as payment for the massage.
Depending on the amount of the gift card, you may need to pay for the remaining cost of the treatment with another form of payment as well.
If this is the case, please remember to bring cash or e-transfer the remaining amount of the treatment cost.
Before the Treatment
▲ Do I need to do anything to prepare for massage? ▲
▼ Do I need to do anything to prepare for massage? ▼
Please have healthy hygiene before arriving.
Example:If you just worked out, been doing something physical all day, been doing an activity that has you partially covered in dirt or something else, and need a shower, please shower first.
No, you do not need to shave any hair before an appointment. That is not a thing. Don't worry about it.
▲ Can I bring someone with me? ▲
▼ Can I bring someone with me? ▼
Because I treat in my home, I only allow the person being treated to be in the room. Please don't bring a friend, a family member, a spouse, a child, a pet.
There is many restaurants, cafes, park space, and a local library though that are available to go to if someone is with you.
( Only exception is a parent / guardian accompanying a child )
▲ Do I have to bring anything with me? ▲
▼ Do I have to bring anything with me? ▼
Just yourself, ready for a massage.
▲ Should I arrive early to my appointment? ▲
▼ Should I arrive early to my appointment? ▼
Not necessary. You can show up 5 minutes early if you like or right on time.
The only reason you would need to arrive early is if you need to fill out a health history / intake form. (These need to be filled out if it is your first massage with the clinic or if it has been 1 year since you last filled it out )
During the treatment
▲ Can I change the pressure during the massage? ▲
▼ Can I change the pressure during the massage? ▼
Yes you can.
I am so happy to change my level of pressure.
Sometimes you want light pressure, sometimes you want deep pressure.
And no worries, sometimes you are getting lighter, and then you ask for deeper. And oh gosh that is a
little too deep but now I want lighter but I just asked for lighter.
Hey hey, it's ok. Lets flip flop a little bit and see what works for you. I am happy to keep
trying to figure out what you want and let's go with that.
And sometimes that may change on the day. Cool let's change it up. I am always happy to adjust.
▲ What kind of music should I expect? ▲
▼ What kind of music should I expect? ▼
I like to listen to Alternative / Indie / Funky . 95% of the music I have on my playlist doesn't have lyrics. I make it myself and am always willing to share it.
And you are allowed to request no music, or the volume to be louder or quieter.
And yes, you can request to listen to a podcast during your treatment. But I have to be allowed to talk ( to ask questions due to the massage. The massage comes first )
▲ I like to talk during the massage / I like a quiet massage with no talking. ▲
▼ I like to talk during the massage / I like a quiet massage with no talking. ▼
I follow your lead.
If you talk, I will talk, we'll laugh, we'll chat, we'll have a grand ol' time :)
If you are quiet, I will stay quiet. And it will be the quietest massage you could ever want.
The only time I need to talk is if I need to know something that comes up during the massage, or if it's time for you to turn over.
Either way I am good and will give the best massage I can give regardless.
▲ I sometimes fall asleep and snore during the massage. ▲
▼ I sometimes fall asleep and snore during the massage. ▼
It's fine, I like to think of your snoring as a remix with the music that is playing.
▲ When should I expect to feel better? ▲
▼ When should I expect to feel better? ▼
Each persons concerns are different to each individual. There is many things to consider when trying to gauge how long healing can take. During the intake we can discuss what is going on, talk about realistic expectations, discuss what massage can do for you, see if future appointments are necessary, if you need to do some at home self care, and how often you should come in.
Most people feel the full effects and benefits of massage after they have had a good nights sleep.
▲ I am uncomfortable with ( insecurity about self ) ▲
▼ I am uncomfortable with ( insecurity about self ) ▼
I am all about being body positive. I want you to feel as comfortable during the massage as possible.
On my end, I have seen a million dry feet, moles, body hair, cellulite, fat, odd marks, scars, and anything else you could feel uncomfortable about; and let me tell you, I truly, 100%, do not care. I'm not judging your body. My mind is all about how do you feel, what is going on with your muscles/bones/joints, how can I make it feel better.
On your end, sometimes it isn't about how I or anyone else see's you, it's just how you feel. And I am never going to make you do something you don't want to do. As good as a foot massage is for you, you don't have to get your feet massaged and I'm not going to guilt you or try to talk you into it. Whenever you are ready to have where ever it is to be worked on, then we can. Until then, we can massage other areas.
▲ Do I have to undress fully? ▲
▼ Do I have to undress fully? ▼
There is many different ways to do massage.
The most popular is taking off all of your clothes and being under the sheet swith only the body part being un-draped while being worked on, and then re-draped once finished.
Some people choose to keep their undergarments on (bra, underwear, boxers) and that is ok.
Some people also choose to have full clothing on during the massage.
All of these are ok. Just know that if you keep a bra on, it will get oil on it. And if you have clothing on, oil can only be used on the neck and hands.All options are ok and up to you.
▲ I may have said some things during the massage that were personal and I don't want other people to know. ▲
▼ I may have said some things during the massage that were personal and I don't want other people to know. ▼
Anything you say during your massage is between you and me. It is no one else's business. Even if your parents or significant other or anyone else were to ask what was talked about, I wouldn't and would not be allowed to tell them.
Think of it as "What happens in Las Vegas (the treatment room),stays in Las Vegas (the treatment room)
▲ Do you use essential oils ? ▲
▼ Do you use essential oils ? ▼
I can use essential oils during your massage free of charge if you like.
I currently carry doTERRA brand essential oils.
I can add them to the diffuser in the room so you can enjoy the scent of them during treatment.
I can also add a couple drops to the massage oil during treatment as well.
When you arrive for your massage you can choose from my current selection of available oils.
I am afraid I don't sell them though. If that is something you are interested in I can let you know of places in the area that currently sell them.
Draping during Treatment
Please note
1) Regardless of your gender, draping will stay the same for the intended area being worked on.
2) Draping can always be modified to have more skin covered if desired.
▲ Draping while lying on your stomach ▲
( Back , Legs / Lower Limb , Glute / Buttocks )
▼ Draping while lying on your stomach ▼
( Back , Legs / Lower Limb , Glute / Buttocks )

▲ Draping while lying on your back ▲
( Legs / Lower Limb , Upper inner thigh, Abdominal, Upper Limb / Arm, Anterior Chest Wall , Head / Neck / Shoulders )
▼ Draping while lying on your back ▼
( Legs / Lower Limb , Upper inner thigh, Abdominal, Upper Limb / Arm, Anterior Chest Wall , Head / Neck / Shoulders )

▲ Draping for breast massage▲
▼ Draping for breast massage ▼

▲ Draping for laying on your side ▲
( Pregnancy massage, Back, Upper Limb / Arm, Lower Limb / Leg, Glute / Buttocks )
▼ Draping for laying on your side ▼
( Pregnancy massage, Back, Upper Limb / Arm, Lower Limb / Leg, Glute / Buttocks )

My Clinic Space
▲ You treat at your house, is there anyone else (people or animal ) that is in the house too? ▲
▼ You treat at your house, is there anyone else (people or animal ) that is in the house too? ▼
Yes. I live with my husband who works on the floor above where I treat, and a cat that will also be in the house while I am treating ( but not in the treatment space ... obviously haha ).
▲ Why does your logo have a lower case "t"and then capital "YLEEN" ? ▲
▼ Why does your logo have a lower case "t"and then capital "YLEEN" ? ▼
The"t" is little cause I'm little. Yaaaaay !
▲ Is there parking? ▲
▼ Is there parking? ▼
You can park on the street near my house.
If there is no available parking there you can park at the Loblaws down the street.
▲ Is your house wheelchair accessible? ▲
▼ Is your house wheelchair accessible? ▼
I am afraid not. I have stairs to get into the house, and you will also need to go up a flight of stairs to get to the massage room.
COVID policies and feeling ill / sick
▲ Is your place clean and sanitised? ▲
▼ Is your place clean and sanitised? ▼
After every treatment, the room, equipment, and washroom is sanitised and cleaned.
My house is cleaned and vacuumed on a daily basis.
The treatment room door is always closed and no one is allowed to enter it except for myself and patients.
My cat never enters the treatment room space.
▲ Do you screen for COVID? ▲
▼ Do you screen for COVID? ▼
You will be sent an email the day before your appointment that asks you to fill out the pre-screening for COVID.
This is in accordance with my governing college ( The CMTO ) and can be found here.
▲ I am not vaccinated / fully vaccinated, can I still get a massage? ▲
▼ I am not vaccinated / fully vaccinated, can I still get a massage? ▼
So long as you do not have COVID, and the screening process proves to be negative, then you can get a massage.
This is in accordance with my governing college ( The CMTO ) and can be found here.
▲ Is everyone in your house and yourself vaccinated against COVID-19 ? ▲
▼ Is everyone in your house and yourself vaccinated against COVID-19 ? ▼
Everyone in my house including myself is vaccinated 3 times against COVID-19.
▲ Screen yourself for COVID by asking yourself these questions ▲
▼ Screen yourself for COVID by asking yourself these questions ▼
Here is a sample of the screening questions.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, do NOT come to your appointment.
Are you experiencing ...
1) Fever and chills
2) Coughing or have a barking cough
3) Shortness of breath
4) Decrease or loss of taste or smell
5) Muscle Aches / Joint Pain
6) Extreme tiredness
7) Sore throat
8) Runny / stuffy / congested nose
9) Headache
10) Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhoea
Have you travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days and been told to quarantine?
Have you been told to isolate?
In the last 5 days have you tested positive for COVID-19 ?
Do you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is isolating due to COVID-19?
In the past 5 days have you been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
Important Note
If you have answered yes to any of those questions and therefore you are unable to come to your appointment and need to cancel in less than 24 hours, you will have to pay the 50% cancellation fee and test negative before you can book another appointment.
▲ Do I need to wear a mask to my appointment? ▲
▼ Do I need to wear a mask to my appointment? ▼
You are no longer required to wear a mask during treatment.
If you wish to wear one you may do so.
If you would like me to wear one I will gladly do so. I always ask at the door if you would like me to wear one.
▲ I don't have COVID but I am still not feeling well. What should I do? ▲
▼ I don't have COVID but I am still not feeling well. What should I do? ▼
Please stay home and do not come for your appointment.
If it is more than 24 hours notice, please feel free to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
If it is less than 24 hours notice, you will have to pay a 50% cancellation fee.
You can e-transfer the amount to my email : TyleenRMT@Gmail.com
Other FAQs
▲ Can I request my treatment files? ▲
▼ Can I request my treatment files? ▼
You can request your treatment files at any time. I just need written permission from yourself to do so.
If you are trying to have the files requested by a doctors office, a medical practitioner, or a lawyer, I will still need written permission from yourself.
If you have any questions that you didn't find the answers to on this page, please feel free to reach out to me by clicking here.