Signed up for Indian head massage course.
March 1st / 2022
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I am so excited. First of all I just love learning so taking new courses is always an exciting thing. Second, it's for something I already enjoy doing. Head massage.
I started hearing and learning about Indian head massage not too long ago and I was immediately intrigued. It's one of my favourite areas to treat and it's always helped patients get results. Stress management, relaxing, insomnia, letting go, mental health, and so much more. And frankly, it's just nice to get your head massaged. It's so often overlooked and I really feel like it shouldn't be. Why? Again, I have seen it help so many people feel better even if they come in for let's say, hip focus. I still prefer to end my treatment with a good head massage.
I can't wait to do the course and be able to perform a more in depth head treatment for you guys. Yay !

I love treating hands and feet.
February 4th / 2022
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I ordered the book on Reflexology because I love treating hands and feet. If the patient is ok with feet and hands being worked on, I will do it during the treatment. Not only is it something that usually feels really good, I find that it often will relax the entire limb it's attached to. And most people don't get their hands and feet worked on during massage. I think it's an overlooked area that can always do with some care. Some people and even therapists don't like working on them and it's a shame.
A lot of concerns in the body can also start with the feet and work it's way up to the knees, hips, pelvis, back and more.
I always feel this desire to improve my hand and foot work ( and everything I do for that matter ). Will studying reflexology do that? I am hoping so. Will I offer full reflexology sessions? I am unsure. I know there is a lot of back and forth about what reflexology can 'actually' do. There is people saying it does work, a lot of testimonials and people that swear by it. But there is a lot of people saying it is a hoax and science doesn't back it up. I always look at both sides before I feel more confident about a technique / modality. And even then, I of course can still be wrong.
So what am I looking for by doing this? From my experience, working on hands and feet are beneficial for the person on the table. I would like to learn from this book techniques that can continue to help me deliver results and benefits for everyone. I will incorporate what I find is valid into my massages to continue to make my self better, which in turn, will help by future patients be able to live better.

Save your back this winter season !
January 17th / 2022
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Most of the time when we are shovelling snow, we bend the lower back area ( called the Lumbar region of our back )
Please everyone, save your backs.
Don’t be doing all the shovelling with your back. Have your knees wide apart, bend at the knees and shovel outwards.
Have a much better chance at avoiding the dreaded back spasm. Also take breaks, nobody gets an award for shovelling their stuff the fastest. Listen to your body: from your friendly neighbourhood massage therapist, I love and care about you. Please, I don’t want you to “have” to see me.
I will obviously, but I want you to live the best life you can. Stay safe and stay smart.